Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of DSC/zdc_framework

Aug 13, 2013, 3:24:20 AM (11 years ago)


  • DSC/zdc_framework

    v24 v25  
    55== Objective ==
    6 Use an OEDL script to execute either a competitive-style or cooperative-style game for both Preliminary matches of the DARPA Spectrum Challenge. Even though the use of the framework is illustrated by using 2 house bots (or 3 in the case of a cooperative game), in the actual competition, the teams will use their own radio implementations. An additional purpose of the framework is to provide validation to the images that teams submit for the Preliminary matches: teams must use the script in this framework to validate their ""image"" before submission.  Validation is required for both competitive and cooperative style matches.
     6Use an OEDL script to execute either a competitive-style or cooperative-style game for both Preliminary matches of the DARPA Spectrum Challenge. Even though the use of the framework is illustrated by using 2 house bots (or 3 in the case of a cooperative game), in the actual competition, the teams will use their own radio implementations. An additional purpose of the framework is to provide validation to the images that teams submit for the Preliminary matches: teams must use the script in this framework to validate their '''image''' before submission.  Validation is required for both competitive and cooperative style matches.
    88The OEDL script uses three pairs of nodes: dsc-teamA, dsc-teamB, dsc-teamC (the actual topology descriptions are '''system:topo:dsc-team{A,B,C}'''). The competitive matches will use teamA and teamC nodes, while cooperative matches will use teamA, teamB and teamC nodes (contestant radios will be only on teamA nodes for image validation, while house bots will be using teamB and teamC nodes); configurations should be considered to be fixed and will be changed only in the case of hardware failures.
    240 After each run, the team will receive a notification email ONLY if at least one packet was successful received by the packet server. The team image will be considered for the tournament evaluation if it was successfully verified (i.e. notification email was received) for ""both"" competitive and cooperative matches and if image filename and MD5 checksum matches the ones in the email.
     240After each run, the team will receive a notification email ONLY if at least one packet was successful received by the packet server. The team image will be considered for the tournament evaluation if it was successfully verified (i.e. notification email was received) for '''both''' competitive and cooperative matches and if image filename and MD5 checksum matches the ones in the email.
    242242[[CollapsibleStart(Competitive match notification email)]]
    293293  omf tell -a on
    295   * Executing the "match"":
     295  * Executing the ''match'':
    297297  omf exec system:exp:dsc-test -- --mode COMP