Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of DSC/zdc_framework

Dec 12, 2013, 1:41:18 PM (11 years ago)


  • DSC/zdc_framework

    v37 v38  
    11= Match Execution Framework (Post Preliminary) =
    2 ''(Last Modified: Monday 8/12/2013 11:45PM)''
     2'''Last modified 12/12/2013'''
    1212Use an OEDL script to execute either a competitive-style or cooperative-style game for both Preliminary matches of the DARPA Spectrum Challenge. Even though the use of the framework is illustrated by using 2 house bots (or 3 in the case of a cooperative game), in the actual competition, the teams will use their own radio implementations. Later, an additional purpose of the framework will be to provide validation to the images that teams submit for the Preliminary matches: teams will have to use the script in this framework to validate their '''image''' before submission.  Validation is required for both competitive and cooperative style matches.
    14 The OEDL script uses five pairs of nodes: dsc-teamA, dsc-teamB, dsc-teamC, dsc-teamX, and dsc-teamY (the actual topology descriptions are '''system:topo:dsc-team{A,B,C,X,Y}'''). For this version of the framework, the competitive matches will use teamX and teamY nodes, while cooperative matches will use teamA, teamB and teamC nodes. 
     14The OEDL scripts use two (primary and secondary) sets of five pairs of nodes: dsc-teamAp, dsc-teamBp, dsc-teamCp, dsc-teamXp, and dsc-teamYp on the main diagonal and dsc-teamAs, dsc-teamBs, dsc-teamCs, dsc-teamXs, and dsc-teamYs on the secondary diagonal (the actual topology descriptions are '''system:topo:dsc-team{Ap,Bp,Cp,Xp,Yp,As,Bs,Cs,Ds}'''). For this version of the framework, the competitive matches will use teamX{p,s} and teamY{p,s} nodes, while cooperative matches will use teamA{p,s}, teamB{p,s} and teamC{p,s} nodes. 
    1616== Hardware / Software Resources Used ==
    2525 * '''-s idb2''' : option for specifying the packet server host name (in this example idb2)
    2626 * '''--mode COMP''' or '''--mode COOP''' : option that specifies whether the match style is a competitive or cooperative match. 
     27 * '''--arena PRI''' or '''--arena SEC''' : option that specifies whether the match will use primary or secondary arena. 
    2829Please note that idb2 and 1700000000 are provided merely for illustration purposes and that the teams must allow for the values passed to be entered by the evaluators. Finally, no modifications to this execution format is allowed, and no additional fields will be used during evaluation.
    97  * Image the two nodes to be used for the first team's radios (team X nodes):
    98 {{{
    99 username@console.grid:~$ omf load -i dsc-wbot1.ndz -t system:topo:dsc-teamX
     98 * Image the two nodes to be used for the first team's radios (team X nodes in the primary arena):
     100username@console.grid:~$ omf load -i dsc-wbot1.ndz -t system:topo:dsc-teamXp
    102103In the case of the validation matches these two nodes will receive the competitor's image (and hence replace the house bot image name with the team's image name).
    104  * Image the two nodes to be used for the second team's radios (in this case team Y nodes):
    105 {{{
    106 username@console.grid:~$ omf load -i dsc-wbot2.ndz -t system:topo:dsc-teamY
     105 * Image the two nodes to be used for the second team's radios (in this case team Y nodes in the primary arena):
     107username@console.grid:~$ omf load -i dsc-wbot2.ndz -t system:topo:dsc-teamYp
    110111 * Turn nodes back on and verify they are in POWERON state
    112 username@console.grid:~$ omf tell -a on -t system:topo:dsc-teamX
    113 username@console.grid:~$ omf tell -a on -t system:topo:dsc-teamY
     113username@console.grid:~$ omf tell -a on -t system:topo:dsc-teamXp
     114username@console.grid:~$ omf tell -a on -t system:topo:dsc-teamYp
    128  * Image the two nodes to be used for the first team's radios (team A nodes):
    129 {{{
    130 username@console.grid:~$ omf load -i dsc-wbot1.ndz -t system:topo:dsc-teamA
     129 * Image the two nodes to be used for the first team's radios (team A nodes in the secondary arena):
     131username@console.grid:~$ omf load -i dsc-wbot1.ndz -t system:topo:dsc-teamAs
    133134In the case of the validation matches these two nodes will receive the competitor's image (and hence replace the house bot image name with the team's image name).
    135  * Image the two nodes to be used for the second team's radios (in this case team C nodes):
    136 {{{
    137 username@console.grid:~$ omf load -i dsc-wbot2.ndz -t system:topo:dsc-teamC
    138 }}}
    140  * Image the third pair of nodes to be used for the third team's radios (in this case team B nodes):
    141 {{{
    142 username@console.grid:~$ omf load -i dsc-wbot3.ndz -t system:topo:dsc-teamB
     136 * Image the two nodes to be used for the second team's radios (in this case team C nodes in the secondary arena):
     138username@console.grid:~$ omf load -i dsc-wbot2.ndz -t system:topo:dsc-teamCs
     141 * Image the third pair of nodes to be used for the third team's radios (in this case team B nodes in the secondary arena):
     143username@console.grid:~$ omf load -i dsc-wbot3.ndz -t system:topo:dsc-teamBs
    145146 * Turn nodes back on and verify they are in POWERON state
    147 username@console.grid:~$ omf tell -a on -t system:topo:dsc-teamA
    148 username@console.grid:~$ omf tell -a on -t system:topo:dsc-teamC
    149 username@console.grid:~$ omf tell -a on -t system:topo:dsc-teamB
     148username@console.grid:~$ omf tell -a on -t system:topo:dsc-teamAs
     149username@console.grid:~$ omf tell -a on -t system:topo:dsc-teamCs
     150username@console.grid:~$ omf tell -a on -t system:topo:dsc-teamBs
    159160 * For competitive matches, the command line is:
    161 username@console.grid:~$ omf-5.4 exec system:exp:dsc-match -- --team1 dsc-teamX --team2 dsc-teamY --mode COMP
     162username@console.grid:~$ omf-5.4 exec system:exp:dsc-match -- --mode COMP --arena PRI
    163164Please note that the command line above is an expanded version of the command line used for the Preliminary round.
    166167     The output of the competitive match should look similar to the following:
    168 username@console.grid:~# omf-5.4 exec system:exp:dsc-match -- --team1 dsc-teamX --team2 dsc-teamY --mode COMP
     169username@console.grid:~# omf-5.4 exec system:exp:dsc-match -- --mode COMP --arena PRI
    170171INFO NodeHandler: OMF Experiment Controller 5.4 (git 8f9e1c0)
    186187 INFO property.runtime: runtime = 180 (Fixnum)
    187188 INFO property.mode: mode = "COMP" (String)
    188  INFO property.team1: team1 = "dsc-teamX" (String)
    189  INFO property.team2: team2 = "dsc-teamY" (String)
    190  INFO property.team3: team3 = "dsc-teamC" (String)
    191  INFO Topology: Loaded topology 'system:topo:dsc-teamX'.
    192  INFO Topology: Loaded topology 'system:topo:dsc-teamY'.
     189 INFO property.team1: team1 = "dsc-teamXp" (String)
     190 INFO property.team2: team2 = "dsc-teamYp" (String)
     191 INFO property.team3: team3 = "dsc-teamCp" (String)
     192 INFO Topology: Loaded topology 'system:topo:dsc-teamXp'.
     193 INFO Topology: Loaded topology 'system:topo:dsc-teamYp'.
    193194 INFO exp: Connecting to idb2 at 5128
    194195 INFO ALL_UP_AND_INSTALLED: Event triggered. Starting the associated tasks.
    226227 * For cooperative matches, the command line is:
    228 username@console.grid:~$ omf exec system:exp:dsc-match -- --mode COOP
     229username@console.grid:~$ omf exec system:exp:dsc-match -- --mode COOP --arena SEC
    232233     The output of the cooperative match should look similar to the following:
    234 username@console.grid:~# omf exec system:exp:dsc-match -- --mode COOP
     235username@console.grid:~# omf exec system:exp:dsc-match -- --mode COOP --arena SEC
    236237 INFO NodeHandler: OMF Experiment Controller 5.4 (git 5385228)