28 | | Domain information from the console: 'sb1' |
29 | | Saving image from node '[1,1]' from domain 'sb1'... INFO init: NodeHandler Version 4.2.0 (1272) |
30 | | INFO init: Experiment ID: sb1_2008_07_20_23_38_04 |
31 | | ... |
32 | | INFO stdlib: Waiting for nodes (Up/Down/Total): 0/1/1 - (still down: n_1_1) |
33 | | ... |
34 | | INFO n_1_1: - Saving disk image from node n_1_1 in the file 'bob-node-1-1-2008-07-20-23-39-39.ndz' |
35 | | INFO n_1_1: (disk images are located at: 'frisbee:/export/orbit/image/tmp') |
36 | | INFO prop.started: started = "true":String |
37 | | INFO exp: - SAVE_IMAGE process started at: Sun Jul 20 23:39:49 -0400 2008 |
38 | | INFO exp: (this may take a while, e.g. 5min+, depending of the size of your image) |
39 | | INFO exp: - Saving process finished correctly at: Sun Jul 20 23:47:20 -0400 2008 |
| 28 | INFO NodeHandler: OMF Experiment Controller 5.4 (git c005675) |
| 29 | INFO NodeHandler: Slice ID: pxe_slice |
| 30 | INFO NodeHandler: Experiment ID: pxe_slice-2013-02-06t14.14.46-05.00 |
| 31 | INFO NodeHandler: Message authentication is disabled |
| 32 | INFO Experiment: load system:exp:stdlib |
| 33 | INFO property.resetDelay: resetDelay = 230 (Fixnum) |
| 34 | INFO property.resetTries: resetTries = 1 (Fixnum) |
| 35 | INFO Experiment: load system:exp:eventlib |
| 36 | INFO Experiment: load system:exp:saveNode |
| 37 | INFO property.node: node = "node1-1.sb1.orbit-lab.org" (String) |
| 38 | INFO property.pxe: pxe = "1.1.6" (String) |
| 39 | INFO property.domain: domain = "grid.orbit-lab.org" (String) |
| 40 | INFO property.started: started = "false" (String) |
| 41 | INFO property.image: image = nil (NilClass) |
| 42 | INFO property.resize: resize = nil (NilClass) |
| 43 | WARN exp: Saving only works for ext2/ext3 partitions and MBR (msdos) partition tables. Saving any other filesystem or partition table type will produce a 0 byte image. |
| 44 | INFO Topology: Loading topology 'node1-1.sb1.orbit-lab.org'. |
| 45 | INFO Experiment: Resetting resources |
| 46 | INFO stdlib: Waiting for nodes (Up/Down/Total): 0/1/1 - (still down: node1-1.sb1.orbit-lab.org) [0 sec.] |
| 47 | . |
| 48 | . |
| 49 | . |
| 50 | INFO stdlib: Waiting for nodes (Up/Down/Total): 0/1/1 - (still down: node1-1.sb1.orbit-lab.org) [80 sec.] |
| 51 | INFO ALL_UP: Event triggered. Starting the associated tasks. |
| 52 | INFO node1-1.sb1.orbit-lab.org: |
| 53 | INFO node1-1.sb1.orbit-lab.org: - Saving image of '/dev/sda' on node 'node1-1.sb1.orbit-lab.org' |
| 54 | INFO node1-1.sb1.orbit-lab.org: to the file 'ssugrim-node-node1-1.sb1.orbit-lab.org-2013-02-06-14-16-23.ndz' on host '' |
| 55 | INFO node1-1.sb1.orbit-lab.org: |
| 56 | INFO property.started: started = "true" (String) |
| 57 | INFO exp: |
| 58 | INFO exp: - Saving process started at: Wed Feb 06 14:16:27 -0500 2013 |
| 59 | INFO exp: (this may take a while depending on the size of your image) |