Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Documentation/dSDR/GNURadio/Installation31Debian

Jan 15, 2010, 8:12:43 PM (15 years ago)


  • Documentation/dSDR/GNURadio/Installation31Debian

    v2 v3  
    2020== Building  from sources ==
     22This section explains how to build the GNU Radio software from sources. It is loosely modeled after the instructions from . As noted before However, we're installing on a Debian system, so the process is a little different. 
    2224=== Perquisites ===
    110112It should be checked for the components you are interested in. A file named ''config.log'' is created when the configure script is being built. If there are any missing components, this file should have useful information. At a minimum, gr-usrp will be needed. This component steers the USRP, and is vital to the rest of the process.
    112 Once the configure process completes, we can simply run '''make'''.
     114Once the configure process completes, we can simply run '''make''' sequence. If all the dependencies are satisfied the build process should be as simple as this sequence:
     116$ ./bootstrap         # Do NOT perform this step if you are building from a tarball.
     117$ ./configure
     118$ make
     119$ make check
     120$ sudo make install
     123=== Post Build setup ===
     125Once you have correctly built executables, there are a few modification to be made before you can run the examples. These may all be optional, if you encounter errors when you try to use the executables one of these changes may fix it.
     127==== Create USRP Group ====
     128Follow these steps to create a usrp group. This is need to have udev ([ reference]) enumerate the USRP properly.
     130sudo addgroup usrp
     131sudo addgroup <YOUR_USERNAME> usrp
     132echo 'ACTION=="add", BUS=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="fffe", SYSFS{idProduct}=="0002", GROUP:="usrp", MODE:="0660"' > tmpfile
     133sudo chown root.root tmpfile
     134sudo mv tmpfile /etc/udev/rules.d/10-usrp.rules
     137Reboot the machine after this change. You should see a usrp device in the list of usb devices:
     139node1-1:~# ls -lR /dev/bus/usb | grep usrp
     140crw-rw---- 1 root usrp 189, 385 Jan 28 14:20 002
     143==== Adding  PYTHONPATH ====
     144This path is needed for some of the examples. (and perhaps your own blocks)
     147export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnuradio/
     150==== libtool modification ====
     151There was a problem with earlier versions of Debian/Ubuntu's ([ linker]). It was resolved with this fix:
     153cp /etc/ /tmp/
     154echo /usr/local/lib >> /tmp/
     155mv /tmp/ /etc/
     159You can check the to make sure that /usr/local/lib/ is included:
     161node1-1:~# more /etc/
     162include /etc/*.conf