Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of Hardware/bDomains/cSandboxes/dSB4

Mar 2, 2012, 5:14:41 PM (13 years ago)


  • Hardware/bDomains/cSandboxes/dSB4

    v16 v17  
    33== SB4 ==
    5 As shown in Figure 1, sandbox 4 consists of 8 nodes and a WiMAX subsystem that consists of a basestation and a controller. To prevent interference, each node is housed in [ Ramsey Electronics RF enclosure] that provides 80 dB of isolation. Nodal wireless devices (Atheros 5000X mini-PCI card and Intel 6250 mini-PCIe 802.11/802.16) are connected to a power combiner and fed through the enclosure access port to the outside SMA connector which is wired to one of the input/output ports of the [  RF Transceiver Test System] from [ JFW Industries]. This configuration enables fairly tight control of RF attenuation between the nodes. The topology is controlled through the [ OMF] based [wiki:Documentation/Services/bInstrumentationControlService Instrumentation AM].
     5As shown in Figure 1, sandbox 4 consists of 8 nodes and a WiMAX subsystem that consists of a basestation and a controller. To prevent interference, each node is housed in [ Ramsey Electronics RF enclosure] that provides 80 dB of isolation. Nodal wireless devices (Atheros 5000X mini-PCI card and Intel 6250 mini-PCIe 802.11/802.16) are connected to a power combiner and fed through the enclosure access port to the outside SMA connector which is wired to one of the input/output ports of the [  RF Transceiver Test System] from [ JFW Industries]. This configuration enables fairly tight control of RF attenuation matrix between the nodes. The topology is controlled through the [ OMF] based [wiki:Documentation/Services/bInstrumentationControlService Instrumentation AM].
    77  || [[Image(SB4.jpg, 600px, link=, align=center)]] || [[Image(IMG_0376.jpg, 200px)]] ||
     9== RF Matrix Control Services ==
     11This service controls the RF attenuator matrix. Since there are a total of nine (9) input/output ports on the attenuator matrix, the first 8 input/output ports are connected to nodes 1 thru 8, respectively. The 9th input/output port is connect to the Wimax base station (BS). So in a nutshell
     12 * RF attenuator matrix port 1 ----> node1-1
     13 * RF attenuator matrix port 2 ----> node1-2
     14 * RF attenuator matrix port 3 ----> node1-3
     15 * RF attenuator matrix port 4 ----> node1-4
     16 * RF attenuator matrix port 5 ----> node1-5
     17 * RF attenuator matrix port 6 ----> node1-6
     18 * RF attenuator matrix port 7 ----> node1-7
     19 * RF attenuator matrix port 8 ----> node1-8
     20 * RF attenuator matrix port 9 ----> Wimax BS
     22Attenuation values between the eight (8) nodes and the BS can be controlled individually with the following URL commands listed below.
     241. set - to set attenuation value on given port pairs (example portA=1 , portB=2, attenuation = 20)[[BR]]
     25This would set the attenuation value between node1-1 and node1-2 to 20 dB.
     28$ wget -O status http://localhost:5052/instr/set?portA=1\&portB=2\&att=20
     312. get - to get attenuation on a given pair of ports
     34$ wget -O status http://localhost:5052/instr/get?portA=1\&portB=8
     373. status - to get attenuation values on all port pairs
     40$ wget -O status http://localhost:5052/instr/status