Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of Internal/OpenFlow/Controllers/FloodLight

Jun 5, 2012, 6:10:37 AM (12 years ago)


  • Internal/OpenFlow/Controllers/FloodLight

    v13 v14  
    122122A module always implements the first interface, but may implement one or both of the latter two as ''listeners''. For example, The REST API module (interested in everything under the sun) implements both, while the Hub module (interested in just PACKET_INs) only implements `IOFMessageListener`.
    124 Class `Controller`, Floodlight's core controller implementation, dispatches events to the modules by calling the modules' event handling functions such as ''receive()''. The controller keeps mappings of which modules implement which listener in two map structures, ''switchListeners'' and ''messageListeners''. These maps are used by the controller to dispatch the events to the proper listeners. `IFloodLightProviderService`, the interface that `Controller` implements, in turn provides two functions, ''addOFSwitchListener()'' and ''addOFMessageListener()'', which the modules can call in their initialization functions to add themselves to the appropriate map. The controller's listener maps are populated at startup, when the module loader initializes each required module. 
     124Class `Controller`, Floodlight's core controller implementation, dispatches events to the modules by calling the modules' event handling functions, namely ''receive()''. The controller keeps mappings of which modules implement which listener in two map structures, ''switchListeners'' and ''messageListeners''. These maps are used by the controller to dispatch the events to the proper listeners. `IFloodLightProviderService`, the interface that `Controller` implements, in turn provides two functions, ''addOFSwitchListener()'' and ''addOFMessageListener()'', which the modules can call in their initialization functions to add themselves to the appropriate map. The controller's listener maps are populated at startup, when the module loader initializes each required module. 
    126126=== Startup ===