Changes between Version 106 and Version 107 of Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign

Sep 12, 2006, 3:43:52 PM (18 years ago)


  • Internal/Rbac/OrbitRbacDesign

    v106 v107  
    44Siswati Swami's recent "Requirements Specifications for ORBIT Access Control" [[ Swa06]] contains an analysis of each of the roles in which an ORBIT user might act when working on an ORBIT project.  The analysis is based on use cases [[ NW01]] and [[ FH97]] and contains a permissions matrix with access granted or not granted for each role and resource combination.
    55=== RBAC Research for Implementation ===
    6 There is one book [[ FKC03]] and a surprisingly large number of articles, papers, PhD theses, and web sites that touch on aspects of the design and implemenation of role-based access control for ORBIT.  Many of these sources are theoretical in nature, although some of the theoretical work includes implementation of tools to specify and check user-role assignments and constraints.  Some of the papers address administrative issues.  The following sources discuss RBAC implementation issues.
     6There is one book [[ FKC03]] and a surprisingly large number of articles, papers, PhD theses, and web sites that touch on aspects of the design and implementation of role-based access control for ORBIT.  Many of these sources are theoretical in nature, although some of the theoretical work includes implementation of tools to specify and check user-role assignments and constraints.  Some of the papers address administrative issues.  The following sources discuss RBAC implementation issues.
    88Ferraiolo, Barkley, and Kuhn's paper describes RBAC including dynamic separation of duty and their implementation of the NIST RBAC model RBAC/Web within a corporate intranet [[ FBK99]].  Ferraiolo, Chandramouli, Ahn, and Gavrila describe the Role Control Center tool [[ FCAG03]].