Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Internal/RunningInventory

Jan 5, 2016, 3:54:21 PM (9 years ago)

fixed formatting to improve legibility


  • Internal/RunningInventory

    v10 v11  
    11== How to Run Inventory ==
    2 To run inventory preform the following:
     2To run inventory preform the following ('''ALL STEPS AS ROOT'''):
    4  From repository1::
     4'''From repository1'''
    55 1. Goto the tfptboot directory and make a symbolic link for the appropriate domain
    66    {{{
    2222    || 0A28      || Outdoor       ||
    24  2. goto the /export/nfsroot/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d and make a symbolic link to head for the proper domain e.g. for grid:
     24 2. goto the /export/nfsroot/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d and make a symbolic link to head for the proper domain:
     26    For grid:
    2527    {{{
    2628cd /export/nfsroot/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d
    2729root@repository1:/export/nfsroot/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d# ln -s head.grid head
    2830    }}}
    29     for sb1:
     31    For sb1:
    3032    {{{
    3133cd /export/nfsroot/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d
    3234root@repository1:/export/nfsroot/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d# ln -s head.sb1 head
    3335    }}}
    34  3. '''If you are inventorying grid:'''
    35 As root run the run_inventory script:
    36     {{{
     37'''From console (grid or sandbox)'''
     38 3. '''''If you are inventorying grid:'''''
     40  Run the run_inventory script (this script will take 45 minutes to run):
     41   {{{
    3742root@console.grid:~# cd /root/inventory/
    3843root@console.grid:/root/inventory# ./run_inventory.rb
    39     }}}
    40     Starting Output will look like:
    41     {{{
     44   }}}
     45  Starting Output will look like:
     46   {{{
    4247root@console.grid:/root/inventory# ./run_inventory.rb
    4348/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/restclient/response.rb:11: warning: method redefined; discarding old body
    54     }}}
    55     This script will take 45 minutes to run.
    56 '''If you are inventorying a sandbox:'''
    57    1. Turn on (or restart) all nodes, so the boot into the inventory pxe-image
    58    1. Check the inventory page for the sandbox you are inventorying, e.g. for sandbox9:
     59   }}}
     60 '''''If you are inventorying a sandbox:'''''
     61  Turn on (or restart) all nodes, so they boot into the inventory pxe-image
     63  Check the inventory page for the sandbox you are inventorying, e.g. for sandbox9:
    5964   {{{
    6166   }}}
    62    1. Wait until all the nodes check in, then proceed to next step.   
    63  From repository1::
    64  4. '''Break the link''' if this is not done the next person to use the grid will have a bad time.
    65     {{{
     67  Wait until all the nodes check in, then proceed to next step.   
     68'''From repository1'''
     69 4. '''''Break the symbolic link!!! ''''' If this is not done the next person to use the grid/sandbox will have a bad time.
     71 '''Note''': Where ''0A0A'' is the Hex set in Step 1.
     72   {{{
    6673rm 0A0A
    67     }}}
     74   }}}
    6875 5. Update the inventory service "domain topology" cache (which nodes belong to what testbeds) by visiting the following URL:
    6976   {{{
    7178   }}}
    72  From internal1::
    73  6. run the ruby scripts:
     79'''From internal1'''
     80 6. Update topologies by running the ruby scripts:
    7481    {{{
    7582root@internal1:~# cd /usr/share/omf-aggmgr-5.4/omf-aggmgr/ogs_inventory/
    7885root@internal1:/usr/share/omf-aggmgr-5.4/omf-aggmgr/ogs_inventory# ruby mktopo_disk.rb
    7986    }}}
    80     '''Note''': each ruby script takes some time to preform all the actions, and the omf-agg-manager restarts every even hour on the 11th minute. If the ruby process is running at that time it will fail.
     87    '''Note''': Each ruby script takes some time to preform all the actions, and the omf-agg-manager restarts every even hour on the 11th minute. If the ruby process is running at that time it will fail.