= How to Unbrick a USRP = == N210 == Do this if the USRP becomes unresponsive to normal commands and cannot be found with uhd_find_devices. 1. Load {{{baseline_uhd.ndz}}} onto a node with the extra ethernet card 2. Boot up the node 3. Download the latest firmware/UHD images to the node: {{{ uhd_images_downloader }}} 4. Configure eth2 to be able to talk to the USRP {{{ ifconfig eth2 netmask }}} 5. Remove lid of USRP 6. Connect the USRP's ethernet to the node 7. Put USRP in safe-mode: a. Hold down the S2 button in the middle of the USRP's motherboard while power-cycling the USRP b. Keep holding until the D & F status LED lights are stable and the left LED on the ethernet jack is green 8. Check if the node can see the USRP: {{{ uhd_find_devices --args="addr=" }}} If not, retry step 7 9. Burn new firmware and FPGA images directly to the USRP: {{{ usrp_n2xx_simple_net_burner --addr="" --fw="/usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_n210_fw.bin" --fpga="/usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_n210_r4_fpga.bin" --dont-check-rev }}} 10. Most likely the automatic reboot will fail so you will have to boot the USRP into safe-mode manually again 11. Write new default ip into EEPROM: {{{ /usr/lib/uhd/utils/usrp_burn_mb_eeprom --values="ip-addr=" }}} 12. Manually reboot the USRP into regular mode by just power-cycling it (do not hold down the S2 button) 13. Check if the node can see the USRP: {{{ uhd_find_devices --args="addr=" }}} 14. Test image loading: {{{ uhd_image_loader --args="type=usrp2,addr=" }}} 15. Check if everything shows up correctly (versions, daughter-boards, etc): {{{ uhd_usrp_probe }}}