Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of Old/Dailyupdates

Jun 13, 2007, 10:13:47 PM (17 years ago)


  • Old/Dailyupdates

    v20 v21  
    129129Today, magically, the teleop applet was working with camera support on Bender. When we clicked a destination for the robot, it moved in generally the right direction, but passed the target and spent a long time colliding into the wall until we swithed off the battery. This is dissapointing, especially considering that the camera is supposed to be calibrated.
     131This afternoon I figured out the landmarks problem. The very simple solution: run ''run_slam_explore'' before ever running ''run_client_gui''. The theory: When we first started playing with navtool, we realized that if we started the server first, we did not see any video on the side panel labeled "camera local." We took this lack of video to mean that things were not working properly, and soon discovered that if the client was launched first and the server second, the video appeared. What we didn't understand was that whichever program is launched first hijacks the camera and prevents the other from accessing it. Therefore; when we launch the client first, we see the video, but the slam server cannot take pictures and therefore cannot create landmarks. However, if the server is launched first, we cannot see the video but the slam server can take pictures and can and does create landmarks. Now, when I run the client, if I see the video right away I know something is wrong. (Often times I forgot to turn on the battery).
     133I spent part of the afternoon reassembling the chassis for Artoo. The previous design was pretty abysmal; there was no place for the motor battery and the labtop couldn't even sit on it unless it was partially closed. I reworked it to solve those two problems, but I fear that the motors might be installed backwards as well. I'm not sure if this is the case, but we'll check it out early tomorrow and resolve the issue if it is one.