[wiki:WikiStart Orbit] > [wiki:OTG OTG] > [wiki:OTG/ScriptsRepository Scripts Repository] > Forwarding Example {{{ require 'net/http' require 'uri' Experiment.name = "hop-4" Experiment.project = "orbit:mutli-hop" Experiment.defProperty('rate', 10, 'Kilo Bits per second sent from sender') Experiment.defProperty('packetSize', 512, 'Size of packets sent from sender') Experiment.defProperty('destinationIP','','The sink of the flow') # # Define nodes used in experiment # nodes([3,3], 'sender') {|node| node.image = nil # assume the right image to be on disk # experiment property space node.prototype("test:proto:sender", { 'destinationHost' => "", }) node.net.e0.ip = "" node.net.e0.gateway="" } nodes([8,8], 'receiver') {|node| node.image = nil node.prototype("test:proto:receiver" , { 'hostname' => '', 'protocol' => 'udp_libmac' }) node.net.w0.mode = "ad-hoc" node.net.w0.type = 'a' # node.net.w0.essid = "mhop" node.net.w0.ip = "" node.net.w0.gateway="" } nodes([4,4], 'forwarder1') {|node| node.image = nil # assume the right image to be on disk node.prototype("test:proto:forwarder", { 'protocol' => 'raw', 'rxdev' =>'eth0', 'txdev' =>'eth2', 'ipFilter' => "", 'nextHopMAC' =>'00:0E:35:85:0F:59' }) node.net.e0.ip="" node.net.w0.mode = "ad-hoc" node.net.w0.type = 'a' # node.net.w0.essid = "mhop" node.net.w0.ip = "" } nodes([5,5], 'forwarder2') {|node| node.image = nil # assume the right image to be on disk node.prototype("test:proto:forwarder", { 'protocol' => 'raw', 'rxdev' =>'eth2', 'txdev' =>'eth2', 'ipFilter' => '', 'nextHopMAC' =>'00:0E:35:9E:4D:82' }) node.net.w0.mode = "ad-hoc" node.net.w0.type = 'a' # node.net.w0.essid = "mhop" node.net.w0.ip = "" } nodes([6,6], 'forwarder3') {|node| node.image = nil # assume the right image to be on disk node.prototype("test:proto:forwarder", { 'protocol' => 'raw', 'rxdev' =>'eth2', 'txdev' =>'eth2', 'ipFilter' => '', 'nextHopMAC' =>'00:0E:35:9E:55:7F' }) node.net.w0.mode = "ad-hoc" node.net.w0.type = 'a' # node.net.w0.essid = "mhop" node.net.w0.ip = "" } nodes([7,7], 'forwarder4') {|node| node.image = nil # assume the right image to be on disk node.prototype("test:proto:forwarder", { 'protocol' => 'raw', 'rxdev' =>'eth2', 'txdev' =>'eth2', 'ipFilter' => '', 'nextHopMAC' => '00:0E:35:9E:4D:B8' }) node.net.w0.mode = "ad-hoc" node.net.w0.type = 'a' # node.net.w0.essid = "mhop" node.net.w0.ip = "" } whenAll("/*/*", "procs/proc/status[text()='INSTALLED.OK']") {|node| # # Start the OML Collection Server # filename = "http://console.grid.orbit-lab.org:4000/omls" url = "http://idb1.grid.orbit-lab.org:5001/startCollectionServer?config_file=#{filename}" response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)) if (! response.kind_of? Net::HTTPSuccess) raise "Can't start OML Collection Server : #{response.to_s}" end # # Now, start the application # Experiment.props.packetSize = 256 Experiment.props.rate = 2000 print "\t\n Enter ESSID now\n" Kernel.sleep 20 NodeSet['receiver'].startApplication('otr') NodeSet['forwarder1'].startApplication('otf') NodeSet['forwarder2'].startApplication('otf') NodeSet['forwarder3'].startApplication('otf') NodeSet['forwarder4'].startApplication('otf') NodeSet['sender'].startApplication('otg') # Kernel.sleep 5 NodeSet['sender'].send(:STDIN, 'proc/otg', 'size 1024') NodeSet['sender'].send(:STDIN, 'proc/otg', 'rate 5000') Kernel.sleep 60 NodeSet['sender'].send(:STDIN, 'proc/otg', 'exit') NodeSet['receiver'].send(:STDIN, 'proc/otr', 'exit') NodeSet['forwarder1'].send(:STDIN, 'proc/otf', 'exit') NodeSet['forwarder2'].send(:STDIN, 'proc/otf', 'exit') NodeSet['forwarder3'].send(:STDIN, 'proc/otf', 'exit') NodeSet['forwarder4'].send(:STDIN, 'proc/otf', 'exit') Kernel.sleep 10 # # Stop the OML Collection Server # filename = "http://console.grid.orbit-lab.org:4000/omls" url = "http://idb1.grid.orbit-lab.org:5001/stopCollectionServer?config_file=#{filename}" response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)) if (! response.kind_of? Net::HTTPSuccess) raise "Can't stop OML Collection Server : #{response.to_s}" end NodeHandler.exit } }}}