Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Old/Documentation/OTG/UserManual

Oct 6, 2005, 4:11:17 PM (19 years ago)


  • Old/Documentation/OTG/UserManual

    v5 v6  
    33= OTG Software User Manual For release 1.1.2  =
    44== Introduction ==
    5 ORBIT Traffic Generator is a tool to generate traffic for testing network performance.  It is primary focus is to generate bulk data of various characteristics and use either TCP or UCP protocol to transport data.  Also, the properties of each packet such as packet size, packet deliver time are all reported to OML or a local logfile. User can obtain certain measurements like throughput, packet loss by querying the OML database directly. Options to extract physical layer parameters are also availabe.
     5ORBIT Traffic Generator is a tool to generate traffic for testing network performance.  It is primary focus is to generate bulk data of various characteristics and use either TCP or UCP protocol to transport data.  Also, the properties of each packet such as packet size, packet deliver time are all reported to OML or a local logfile. User can obtain certain measurements like throughput, packet loss by querying the OML database directly. Options to extract physical layer parameters are also available.
    66== Install OTG Software Package ==
    77Some prerequisites for OTG installation:
    1717== Using Orbit Traffic Generator Software ==
    18 === List of Optioins ===
     18=== List of Options ===
    1919A user could give many command-line arguments to configure the OTG and OTR program. The proper usage of all arguments are described in following tables. Note that as long as there is a default value for the option argument, that option could be omitted. Option could be set in either of following format:
    2727||generator||specify the generator used by OTG program.||cbr ||cbr, expoo||
    2828||debuglog|| speficy the logfile for debugging mode (non-OML mode).By default, OTG use OML mode || NULL || tmp/log1 ||
    29 ||clockref|| speficy the clocking reference for timestamp reporting. hours since 01/01/1970 || -1 || 313171,... ||
    30 For UDP or TCP protcol, further options are:
     29||clockref|| specify the clocking reference for timestamp reporting. hours since 01/01/1970 || -1 || 313171,... ||
     30For UDP or TCP protocol, further options are:
    3131||'''name'''||'''usage''' ||'''default''' ||'''Possible values'''||
    3232||port|| Specify a unique local port the OTG program binds to.||3000||any unused port number ||
    3636For "raw" protocol,
    3737||'''name'''||'''usage''' ||'''default''' ||'''Possible values'''||
    38 ||txdev || the device to tranmsit packets ||   || eth2, ath0...||
     38||txdev || the device to transmit packets ||   || eth2, ath0...||
    3939||dstmacaddr || MAC address of the destination|| ||12:4A:56:D0:E1:75||
    4040If generator type is "cbr",
    6161||'''name'''||'''usage''' ||'''default'''||'''possible values'''||
    6262||protocol|| specify the protocol used by OTR  program.|| ||udp,tcp,udp_libmac,tcp_libmac, raw, raw_libmac||
    63 ||debuglog|| speficy the logfile for debugging mode (non-OML mode).By default, OTR use OML mode || NULL || tmp/log1 ||
    64 ||clockref|| speficy the clocking reference for timestamp reporting. hours since 01/01/1970 || -1 || 313171,... ||
     63||debuglog|| specify the logfile for debugging mode (non-OML mode).By default, OTR use OML mode || NULL || tmp/log1 ||
     64||clockref|| specify the clocking reference for timestamp reporting. hours since 01/01/1970 || -1 || 313171,... ||
    6666If protocol is set as "udp" or "tcp"