7 | | Before you jump into GNU Radio on Orbit, you should have a clear picture on what GNU Radio is. An excellent starting reading material is Eric Blossom’s Exploring GNU Radio:[http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuradio/doc/exploring-gnuradio.html]. Eric is the founder of the whole GNU Radio project. Make sure you understand the data flow paths, including the receive path and the transmit path, understand the role that the USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) plays. USRP is a flexible USB device that connects the PC to the RF world. USRP has one motherboard, which connected to the PC via USB 2.0 and can support up to four daughterboard. Each daughterboard has RF ends that can either transmit or receive waveform from the air. There are different types of daughterboard supporting a variety radio range, e.g. for example, Flex400 supports both transmit and receive in the frequency band 400MHz to 500 Mhz. You need to refresh your memory on the sample theory. |
| 7 | Before you jump into GNU Radio on Orbit, you should have a clear picture on what GNU Radio is. An excellent starting reading material is Eric Blossom’s Exploring GNU Radio:[http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuradio/doc/exploring-gnuradio.html]. Eric is the founder of the whole GNU Radio project. Make sure you understand the data flow paths, including the receive path and the transmit path, understand the role that the USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) plays. USRP is a flexible USB device that connects the PC to the RF world. USRP has one motherboard, which connected to the PC via USB 2.0 and can support up to four daughterboard. Each daughterboard has RF ends that can either transmit or receive waveform from the air. There are different types of daughterboard supporting a variety radio range, e.g. for example, Flex400 supports both transmit and receive in the frequency band 400MHz to 500 Mhz. You need to refresh your memory on the sample theory (Nyquist interval). |