Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Other/Summer/2022/Hardware

May 24, 2022, 10:44:56 PM (2 years ago)


  • Other/Summer/2022/Hardware

    v3 v4  
    1616The finished platform will have rear-wheel drive and use a servo for Ackermann steering, which is the type of steering found in cars. Generation of control signals for the motor controller and servo will be performed by a microcontroller such as an arduino. The microcontroller will also be used to ingest data from any sensors on the car such as an inertial measurement unit (IMU) or encoders used for speed sensing. The car will carry an Intel realsense depth camera and UP board (x86 platform with raspberry pi form factor).
    18 == Reading Material ==
     18== Background Material ==
    1919This group will need to use a 3D modeling software such as Fusion 360, which is available for free to students. Fusion 360 will be used to design the chassis for the vehicle to accommodate the controllers and sensors mounted to it, as well as some additional hardware components. If group members have limited prior experience with 3D modeling software, they should familiarize themselves with Fusion 360. [ These videos] are a good place to start. A computer will be available at Winlab for students to use for 3d modeling.
    2525* The car will need a rear differential to avoid tire slip on turns.
     27Some of the design choices (like the use of Ackermann steering and the use of a rear differential) are similar to the design of conventional RC cars. However, this project is different from RC cars in several ways. Since we're not prioritizing speed or off-roading, we don't need a suspension or torque dampening. Also, because we're only planning to drive the cars indoors at relatively slow speeds, we should be able to use 3d printed parts in the drive train and get a reasonable lifetime out of them. Projects such as [ this] or [ this] can be used as inspiration or a starting point. We will be able to order additional bits of hardware such as bearings, screws and RC car parts after initial designs are done.
     29The car will have an Intel UP board as the onboard controller as well as a realsense camera to be used for sensing and remote control. The car will also have a Teensy microcontroller (arduino alternative) which will be connected over serial to the UP board and used for real-time control of the car and sensor readings. The Teensy will be used to send signals to the motor controller as well as read from any sensors on the car. The motor should have an encoder attached to it to read the speed of the motor directly, and we may also want to attach encoders to the wheels of the car to better estimate any slip. The car will also have an IMU with accelerometer and gyroscope.