
Version 58 (modified by khyati12, 2 years ago) ( diff )

2022 WINLAB Summer Internship

Summer Internship Virtual Open House is scheduled for August 4th 2022.

Weekly presentations: Thursday at 2:00 PM


Project Participants Group Weekly Meeting
Distributed Spectrum Monitoring and Channel Sounding Khyati Dinesh PatelGR, Mingkun SunUG Tuesday 12PM
Active AI Driver Assistant Lucas III Niegos CordovaUG, Kishan PatelUG, Atharva BelsareUG, Christopher SawickiHS Wednesday 2:00PM
Mini Smart Car Hardware Design Brandon ChengUG, Michael MogilevskyUG, Aamay PuntambekarUG Wednesday 2:00PM
Remote Control Robot Car Jimmy HuangUG, John Greaney-ChengUG, Rohan VariankavalHS Wednesday 2:00PM
Autonomous System Infrastructure Steven TanUG, Meghana AchyutanandaUG, Anitej ThammaUG, Arunima SuriHS, Pranav ManikondaHS, Suhani SenguptaHS Wednesday 2:00PM
Multi-Cam Fusion for Smart Intersection Jesse LernerUG, Yue WangGR, Peter WilmotUG, Varun KotaHS Wednesday 2:00PM
Augmented Reality Mural Somrishi BanerjeeHS, Rhea AdurUG, Taylor CheungUG, Yash ChaddaHS, Kazu ArakiHS Monday 0:00AM
FPV Remotely Piloted Car Ben YuHS, Andrew MartinHS, Adityaa SurakalHS Monday 0:00AM
Agricultural Monitoring of Beehive Health Joel PaleyUG, Fairuz ZahinUG, Izabela BigosUG, Sarah MartyHS, Agni RajinikanthHS Tuesday 2:00PM
A Radar-based System for Patient Discrimination Parth JainGR, Xiang MengHS Monday 0:00AM
Open Radio Access Networks (ORAN) Chuxu SongUG Monday 0:00AM
Adversarial Machine Learning Against Voice Assistant Systems Matt KokolusUG, Catharine MatthewsUG, Raymond HuangHS Tuesday 1:00PM


  • GR - Graduate student
  • UG - Undergraduate student
  • HS - High School student
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