Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of Other/Summer/2023/SelfDriving

Jul 6, 2023, 2:10:46 PM (20 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/SelfDriving

    v17 v18  
    7474    - Restart the VM (power it off and on in VirtualBox) and now you should be able to open the terminal in Graphical mode
    7575- You will need to have Sudo access on your account in Ubuntu. Follow this StackOverflow:
     76- Run "sudo apt update" to update packages before doing things.
    7778ROS setup instructions:
    8788- It will then prompt for a passphrase for the key. Leave it empty if you don't want to put in a password every time you use it, or put one for security if you prefer.
    8889- Two files called "gitlab" and "" will be created in the ~/.ssh directory now. We need to upload the public key to gitlab.
    89 - Navigate to your .ssh directory and use the command "cat" to print the contents of the file into the terminal. Copy all of the file, including the "sha-rsa" and the username at the end.
     90- Navigate to your .ssh directory and use the command "cat" to print the contents of the file into the terminal. Copy all of the file, including the "sha-rsa" at the beginning and the username at the end.
    9091- Login to gitlab (the winlab specific gitlab! and click on your profile picture on the top right.
    9192- Go to SSH keys and add the public key in the text box. You should now be able to access orbit gitlab repositories through ssh.
    99100- One you are done changing the setup files, logout and login.
    100101- Install the joy package by following this tutorial:
     102    - The user needs to have input permission for ROS to read data from joystick inputs. To set this, do "sudo usermod -aG input username". -aG specifies adding an additional group (input) to a user (username)
     103        - Changing groups requires the user to log out and in for effects to take place
     104- Install the realsense package (Add Link!)
    102106- To run a ROS node: use "rosrun package nodename". For example, "rosrun joy joy_node" to run the joystick package.
    107111        - ctrl+b and then arrow key lets you switch between panes
    108112        - Mouse can be enabled if you use a tmux configuration file. Follow this:
     113- To run a ROS launch file, use "roslaunch package launchfile.launch". For example, "roslaunch rascal sim.launch".
     114- on the first launch, or any time you change build files (CMakeLists, package.xml) you will need to navigate to the catkin workspace directory and run "catkin_make".
     117To run the simulation on a VM:
     119- Joystick needs to be configured in virtualbox. If you are using mac, the VirtualBox must be run as sudo.
     120    - Follow these instructions:
     121- The joystick needs to be set. navigate to /dev/input. if you do "ls -a" in here, you should see js0 and js1 which are added by virtualbox by default, and then js2 if your controller is configured correctly. Run "sudo jstest /dev/input/js2" to test if it is working.
     122- You need to open a port to be able to view the web display on the host machine of the VM.
     123    - Open virtualbox and go to the settings for the VM.
     124    - Go to network -> Adapter 1 -> make sure it is on NAT
     125    - click advanced -> port forwarding -> add a new port forwarding rule
     126    - Fill the following fields (you may need to scroll right): name: flask, Host port: 5001, Guest port: 5000
     127    - note: you can use any unused port instead of 5001. 5000 is used for the guest port as it is the default for flask.
     128    - you may need to restart the VM.
    110131Other Notes:
    111 - The user needs to have input permission for ROS to read data from joystick inputs. To set this, do "sudo usermod -aG input username". -aG specifies adding an additional group (input) to a user (username)
    112     - Changing groups requires the user to log out and in for effects to take place
    113133- For MIMIC, which was built on ROS Melodic, any python files need to be marked as executable. To do this, run "sudo chmod +x path/to/". This adds execute permission (+x) to the file.