Changes between Version 27 and Version 28 of Other/Summer/2024/rPV

Jul 17, 2024, 3:11:41 PM (4 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2024/rPV

    v27 v28  
    2222Goals for next week:
    23231. Establish the client-server connection with our laptop and the Servo Steer car.
    24    * Begin developing client-side controls
     24    * Begin developing client-side controls
    26262. Set up mecanum hardware and electronics (eventually focus on maneuverability and efficiency)
    3232* Fully assembled hardware and electronics for the mecanum robot. We got the mecanum car to drive in all directions including strafing and moving diagonally.
    3333* Established the client-server connection with our laptop and the Servo Steer car.
    34   * Created server (running on Raspberry Pi) using Python to listen for UDP packets and interact with GPIO to control motors.
    35   * Created a client (Using electron and react.js) to make the user interface that sends packets with UDP to the server
     34   * Created server (running on Raspberry Pi) using Python to listen for UDP packets and interact with GPIO to control motors.
     35   * Created a client (Using electron and react.js) to make the user interface that sends packets with UDP to the server
    3636* Utilized ZeroTier to set up a VPN that creates a VLAN which, hypothetically, can allow us to connect to the server from anywhere in the internet.
    3737* Learned bash scripting and Linux to run server code and expedite development
    4747Goals for next week:
    48481. Further develop the client/server software.
    49    * Begin developing client-side controls for steering and implementing virtual joysticks
    50    * Begin sending camera frames to the client side
     49    * Begin developing client-side controls for steering (potentially implementing virtual joysticks)
     50    * Begin sending camera frames to the client side
    52522. Adapt the client and server code from the servo steer car for use with the mecanum car.
    56564. Add features that improve robot functionality and aid the user(object detection, sensor integration, emergency stop)
    58 === Week 3 
     58=== Week 3
     60* Adapted the client and server code from the servo steer car for use with the mecanum car.
     61* Created a client-side web application using ......
     62   * Added full movement controls for the mecanum car.
     63   * Experimented with various cameras and tested different pre-processing and post-processing algorithms in OpenCV to evaluate their impact on latency.
     64   * Integrated camera feed from the vehicles in the client's web application.
     65* Configured ZeroTier to establish a connection between the client and server over multiple networks/hotspots.
     66   * This connection was sometimes inconsistent between multiple networks.
     67* Created a base design for the simplified user interface
     68   -
     71  - We experienced issues with certain cameras connecting to the Rasberry Pi.
     72  - We faced inconsistencies with ZeroTier, likely due to configuration issues.
    6073=== Week 4