= Signal Avoidance Using 5G = {{{#!html

WINLAB Summer Internship 2024

Advisors: Dr. Predrag Spasojevic

Group Members: Wesley Chen

}}} == Project Objective {{{#!html


In recent years, there has been a desire to expand the bandwidth of communication standards such as LTE and 5G. However, at many of the bandwidths that are desired to be used, there exist legacy signals that cannot be interfered with. This is made even more difficult by Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI), when signals with very close, but distinct frequencies still impede each other.


}}} == Devices == everything below this is incomplete and only here for my reference == Week 1 {{{#!html Week 1 Presentation


}}} == Week 2 {{{#!html Week 2 Presentation


}}} == Week 3 {{{#!html Week 3 Presentation
