Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Software/cOMF/aExec

Jan 16, 2013, 8:54:02 PM (12 years ago)


  • Software/cOMF/aExec

    v1 v1  
     1== exec ==
     4user@console: omf help exec
     6OMF Experiment Controller 5.4 (git 9ac2ff9)
     8Execute an experiment script
     10Usage:  exec [OPTIONS] ExperimentName [-- EXP_OPTIONS]
     12        ExperimentName is the filename of the experiment script
     13        [EXP_OPTIONS] are any options defined in the experiment script
     14        [OPTIONS] are any of the following:
     16    -a, --allow-missing              Continue experiment even if some nodes did not check in
     17    -C, --configfile FILE            File containing local configuration parameters
     18    -c, --config NAME                Configuration section from the config file ('default' if omitted)
     19    -d, --debug                      Operate in debug mode
     20    -i, --interactive                Run the experiment controller in interactive mode
     21    -l, --libraries LIST             Comma separated list of libraries to load (defaults to [system:exp:stdlib,system:exp:eventlib])
     22        --log FILE                   File containing logging configuration information
     23    -m, --message MESSAGE            Message to add to experiment trace
     24    -n, --just-print                 Print the commands that would be executed, but do not execute them
     25    -p, --print URI                  Print to the console the content of the experiment resource URI
     26    -o, --output-result FILE         File to write final state information to
     27    -e, --experiment-id EXPID        Set the ID for this experiment, instead of the default standard ID
     28    -O, --output-app                 Display STDOUT & STDERR output from the executed applications
     29    -r, --reset                      If set, then reset (reboot) the nodes before the experiment
     30    -S, --slice NAME                 Name of the Slice where this EC should operate
     31    -s, --shutdown                   If set, then shut down resources at the end of an experiment
     32    -t, --tags TAGS                  Comma separated list of tags to add to experiment trace
     33        --oml-uri URI                The URI to the OML server for this experiment
     34    -x, --extra-libs LIST            Comma separated list of libraries to load in addition to [system:exp:stdlib,system:exp:eventlib]
     35        --slave-mode EXPID           Run in slave mode in disconnected experiment, EXPID is the exp. ID
     36        --slave-mode-resource NAME   When in slave mode, NAME is the HRN of the resource for this EC
     37    -h, --help                       Show this message
     38    -v, --version                    Show the version