
Version 2 (modified by ssugrim, 12 years ago) ( diff )

Inventory Gathering

Data Structure

Our layout will try to capture the relationship between nodes (which for our current purposes means motherboards) and devices (any network/communication device). The relationship heirachy looks like this:

         -> Node -
            -INV_... -- Inventory Attributes (e.g. motherboard serial number, disk size, cpu type,...)
            -INF_... -- Infrastructure Attributes  (Control IP, Control interface,...)
            -CM_...  -- CM attributes (e.g. CM IP, CM Version, ...)
                 -> Device
                    -name = FQDNofContainingNode_dev_random#
                    -INV_if_name= "name the os thinks this device is. (e.g. eth0)"
                    -INV_dev_id = "xxxx:xxxx" where the x's are hex numbers that represent the device identifiers. 

At some point we'll make a complete map of these.

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