Change History for other/summer/2019/fitness-assist

Version Date Author Comment
15 5 years JustinEsposito
14 5 years JustinEsposito modify education in people section
13 5 years JustinEsposito
12 5 years JustinEsposito add problem, solution, exercises, libraries and language, modified tools
11 5 years JustinEsposito change workers to people
10 5 years JustinEsposito fix spelling issue
9 5 years JustinEsposito add synopsis section, remove problem and solution sections
8 6 years JustinEsposito add high school interns, modify structure
7 6 years JustinEsposito
6 6 years JustinEsposito added people section
5 6 years JustinEsposito fixed details in tools section
4 6 years JustinEsposito Added Tools section
3 6 years JustinEsposito testing formatting of the website
2 6 years jennyshane
1 6 years jennyshane