
Result Aggregate Manager

The Result aggregate manager service group provides experimenter access to ML server databases.


  <service name="getSchema">
    <info>Get the Schema of a given experiment measurement database</info>
      <arg value="ExperimentID" name="expID" isRequired="true">
        <info>ID of the Experiment</info>


Service that lists tables in the experiment with given experiment ID.

  <service name="listTables">
    <info>Get the list of tables in given experiment measurement database</info>
      <arg value="ExperimentID" name="expID" isRequired="true">
        <info>ID of the Experiment</info>


  <service><service name="queryDatabase">
    <info>Get the Schema of a given experiment measurement database</info>
      <arg value="ExperimentID" name="expID" isRequired="true">
        <info>ID of the Experiment</info>
      <arg value="xml | json" name="format" isRequired="true">
        <info>Format to return result in.</info>
      <arg value="SQLquery" name="query" isRequired="true">
        <info>An SQLite query to run against the database</info>


  <service name="dumpDatabase"><info>Dump the complete database holding the measurement results for a given experiment</info>        
      <arg value="ExperimentID" name="expID" isRequired="true">
        <info>ID of the Experiment</info>


The result service lives on the console of the domain you are running an experiment on. This console can be directly queried for experiment results. The data sets the results service provides must to be specified via OEDL ruby language extension in the experiment script. More information on OEDL can be found here

Installation and Configuration

The Result service is packaged in the omf-aggmgr-result-5.4 package. It can be installed form the package repository with

apt-get install omf-aggmgr-result-5.4

Instructions on how to add the Orbit software repository to your list of apt-sources can be found ​here.

Once installed the service is configured by TODO.

Last modified 9 years ago Last modified on Jan 24, 2016, 11:51:18 PM
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