
Version 33 (modified by sreeramm490, 20 months ago) ( diff )

Tutorial: OpenStack Setup


  1. Setup/Practice of Orbit Nodes.
  1. Any available Orbit Sandbox Node
  1. Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS or Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (Choice is up to you)

In this tutorial, we will be using one of the sb1 nodes for setting up OpenStack. However, sb(1-10) should also be capable for OpenStack setup.

Make sure you have Ubuntu 20.04.5 (baseline20.04.ndz) or 22.04.2 (ubuntu2204-beta.ndz) LTS. To get the Ubuntu Version, follow these steps after ssh'ing into your console. Substitute for the image and node you want.

The below steps illustrate loading Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS for node1-2 of sb1. For the sb1 console,

username@console:~$ omf tell -t node1-2 -a offh 
username@console:~$ omf load -t node1-2 -i baseline20.04.ndz
username@console:~$ omf tell -t node1-2 -a on

To verify if you have loaded your Ubuntu version properly, use this command after ssh into the node1-2

root@node1-2:~# lsb_release -a

This will list the current version of Ubuntu loaded.

Example Image:

Set up an OpenStack development environment via DevStack

After loading your version of Ubuntu, you can follow below steps to install OpenStack

  1. Update and Upgrade Packages:
    root@node1-2:~# sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  2. Install Git:
    root@node1-2:~# sudo apt-get install git
  3. Clone the DevStack Repository:
    root@node1-2:~# git clone
  4. Create a Stack User:
    root@node1-2:~# sudo ./devstack/tools/
  5. Switch to the Stack User:
    root@node1-2:~# sudo su stack
    stack@node1-2:/root$ cd ~
  6. Clone the DevStack Repository (as the Stack User):
    stack@node1-2:~$ git clone
  7. Remove the Existing Python 3 Pip Package (if present) and Download and Install the Latest Python 3 Pip Package:
    stack@node1-2:~$ sudo apt remove python3-pip
    stack@node1-2:~$ wget
    stack@node1-2:~$ sudo python3
  8. Install a Specific Version of the Cryptography Package(there is version conflict with the OpenSSL package automatically installed by dev stack, install the below version to prevent this issue):
    stack@node1-2:~$ pip install cryptography==38.0.4
  9. Copy the local.conf into the Devstack Folder:
    stack@node1-2:~$ cd devstack/samples/local.conf devstack 
    stack@node1-2:~$ cd devstack
  10. Identify Node's IP Address; Configure and Setup local.conf in Devstack Folder According to Requirement (either the controller or compute node):
    stack@node1-2:~/devstack$ hostname -I

Example Image of Getting Node's IP Address:

stack@node1-2:~/devstack$ cd 
stack@node1-2:~/devstack$ nano local.conf

Scroll to the ADMIN_PASSWORD, and change the password to what you prefer. Afterwards, scroll to HOST_IP. Remove the comment in front of the HOST_IP and set the IP to that of the what IP address was given by hostname -I ( this case). Save changes.

Example Images of Changed Password and IP Address:

Set up a remote desktop through Google Remote Desktop

To ensure OpenStack Dashboard displays, you must download Google Remote Desktop and use Google Remote Desktop

  1. Install XServer Packages for Google Remote Desktop:
    stack@node1-2:~/devstack$ sudo apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies -y
  2. Download Debian File for Google Remote Desktop:
    stack@node1-2:~/devstack$ wget
  3. Install Google Remote Desktop:
    stack@node1-2:~/devstack$ sudo apt install ./chrome-remote-desktop_current_amd64.deb -y
  4. Start the Google Remote Desktop:
  5. Login into
  6. Click on the Begin, Next, Authorize
  7. Copy the Display Run Command into the Node

Example Image: I 5.

  1. Fireup the Stack:

FORCE=yes ./

For more details related to installation process:

This will take around 15-20 minutes. In this process, you might be asked to set up passwords for Horizon, MYSQL, etc. Once installation is done, it provides information related to Horizon, Keystone which will look something like this.

This is your host IP address:

This is your host IPv6 address: ::1

Horizon is now available at

Keystone is serving at

The default users are: admin and demo The password: *(Password set by you during installation process)

You can log in to view the Horizon dashboard( using below default credentials

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