

Certain specialized nodes are outfitted with NVIDIA CUDA capable GPUs or accelerators. The tables below list brief specifications of currently installed CUDA cards and which domain/node they are installed in. Currently, the nodes that have CUDA cards do not have any wireless radios and are meant for offloading computation via ethernet networking. The nodes are accessible via the Control and Data networks of their respective domain. See the individual domain pages for more detailed information.

Available Cards

Model Architecture # of CUDA Cores Memory (GB) Memory Bandwidth (GB/s) Single-Precision Performance Double-Precision Performance Compute Capability More Info
Tesla K80 Kepler 4992 24 480 8.73 Tflops 2.91 Tflops 3.7 1 2 3
Tesla P100 12GB Pascal 4992 12 549 9.3 Tflops 4.7 Tflops 6.0 1 2 3
Tesla V100 16GB Volta 5120 16 900 13 Tflops 7 Tflops 7.0 1 2 3

Domains with CUDA Capabilities

Domain Node: CUDA Card(s) node2-1: GeForce GT 640 GDDR5 node1-1 to node1-8: Tesla V100 node21-1 to node21-7: Tesla K80
node21-9 to node21-32: Tesla P100
COSMOS see COSMOS testbed for details
Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on Apr 4, 2023, 7:10:04 PM
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